Ugh, it’s been too long! Where have I been? What have I been doing?
Gestating at home, basically. I have little energy or motivation to do anything other than make sure that should gravity fail us all, my couch will stay where it’s at. The other day I went on a “walk” (you can’t even call it that) and came home in so much pain I wanted to cry. So yeah, I’m really focused on lounging right now and sucking up any and all free time I have while I can. This, of course, includes watching Real Housewives of New York all over again – starting from Season 1. That is where I’ve been.
33 Week Update
How far along? 34 weeks on Tuesday, May 9
How big is the peanut? Pineapple / Spaghetti Squash / Cantaloupe
Total weight gain/loss? Approx. 30 lbs
Maternity clothes? Living in maternity leggings, tops, and tights – still in most of my pre-bump dresses
Sleep? What’s that? Tell me everything. Sounds great!
Best moment this week? Every time bubs moves is a best moment.
Symptoms? Generally uncomfortable, my pelvis hurts, hips hurt when I stand up. Heartburn.
Food cravings? None!
Food aversions? None! Give it all to me.
Gender? She’s a real lady.
Labor signs? None!
Belly button in or out? Hanging in there.
What I miss? Champagne and Costco hot dogs.
What I’m looking forward to? Champagne and Costco hot dogs. Duh.
Milestones? Baby is head down and weighs 5 lbs 6 oz!
Bump? It’s there. It’s real.
Nursery? All set up! I just need to clean out the closet a little more and move that stuff downstairs and we’re buying a glider in a few weeks. Oh, and stock up on more diapers apparently.
The biggest surprise of all..
The biggest update of all is that I will be delivering at 37 weeks! Three weeks away! It’s scary, wasn’t a welcome surprise, but is an idea we’ve gotten used to. You see, I found myself in the hospital at about 29 weeks when I thought my water had broke. Turns out my water didn’t break. After taking a peak at the ultrasound, the doctor kindly let me know that baby’s head was right on my bladder and what likely happened is she got a little carried away and head butted me right in the bladder. So my baby made me pee myself. Cute. But what we also discovered during that trip is that I have pregnancy induced hypertension. My blood pressure that night was about 190/100, after medicine it went down. Baby and I were watched overnight and all was well. I met with the high risk doctors the next morning where they told me to prepare for delivering at 37 weeks. At the time, that was great news. The night before the doctor was talking about “trying” to get me to 34 weeks, and keeping me in the hospital until then. The nurse was walking me through NICU, so hearing I was going to be able to go home and induce at 37 weeks unless my blood pressure got that high again was very relieving!
Anyways, I now have twice weekly tests on baby to make sure she’s getting everything she needs from me, and a weekly OB appointment. This is totally okay with me because I feel like we are well cared for, but I admit it is a lot of appointments. After more high blood pressure readings, my OB confirmed that yes I will be delivering at 37 weeks, and am not allowed to go into 38 weeks. We’re currently aiming for being induced May 30th, but the exact day and time won’t be scheduled until about a week out. The good news is my blood pressure seems to be getting better, and I don’t have any additional symptoms of high blood pressure.
She’s good at holding her urine.
Another update is that baby girl has dilated kidneys. Because I’m getting weekly ultrasounds, I know that her kidney is dilating more and more each week. No one seems overly concerned, but it is a soft marker for Down Syndrome. She’s still filtering everything through her kidneys, into her bladder, and out into the womb, so that is good. I met with a pediatric surgeon who will be at the hospital shortly after we deliver to do an ultrasound and see her kidneys. We will know more then. Doctor’s aren’t overly concerned so I’m trying not to be either. Operative word: Trying.
So that’s where we are right now. Just over three weeks to go until Baby B joins the world!
I promise I’ll be around more. I have lots to share about midwife v. OB, daycare, gestational hypertension, the nursery, second/third trimester must haves, and of course everything else going on in my life!
Yay I’m so excited for you Samm! I am currently pregnant too and it has not been the easiest pregnancy ever. You are rocking it!! 🙂 A thrifty suggestion for more diapers (can’t help myself) you should check out she has great break downs of diaper deals at Target. That’s how I stock up on diapers for my kiddos. Good luck with everything and hope you feel better.
Ah! Congrats on another baby! Sorry it hasn’t been an easy one. And I totally do check out freestufffinder — I used to be into couponing way more than I am now. (And fortunately still have shelves left of my stockpile!) I am definitely checking her out for diaper deals. Hope the rest of this pregnancy gets easier on you!