In just a few days, Temen will have spent more time out on this Earth than she did in my belly. It’s an odd milestone, but it’s one that makes me super emotional.
In thirty-seven weeks she has developed her smile, her laugh, she stands, she jumps. She can sit on her own, grab the toys she wants, miraculously distinguish between a real phone and a toy phone, pet Lola, crawl (backwards), eat real food, babble, scream, pull my shirt when she’s hungry, and get excited when she sees her dad.
She’s not as cuddly as she was when she was first born. There’s too much to see, too much to do. She won’t fall asleep on your chest anymore, either. It’s DockATot or bust.
At thirty-seven weeks she is her own little person.
This last week she got way closer to crawling than she ever has. She does this thing now where she gets on all fours and rocks back and forth. Sometimes she propels herself forwards, but normally she just crawls backwards or cries out of frustration.
Valentine’s Day also happened this week. And, at eight months old, Temen was the only child in her class that didn’t distribute valentines. Why it is necessary for babies to exchange valentines is beyond me, but here we are. Shoutout to Spencer who gave everyone a bag of pretzels, and Addison who gave everyone apple sauce. I ate both.
Speaking of eating, this week we saw a major change in Temen and her relationship with food! Previous to this week, she showed only a slight interest in food. And, slight is probably pushing it. She only had purees or berries a couple times a week, and was curious about our meals, but not actively interested. She’s officially actively interested in our food and gets very upset when we don’t share with her. So, given her new found food obsession, this week I’m going to start making an actual effort to have her eat a solid dinner meal every night. I will say that getting home at 6PM, nursing her, and then feeding her is kind of difficult because she goes to bed at 7 or 7:30PM, but I’m going to do my best!
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