Temen got sick and I got anxious. I felt hopeless. I felt like I wasn’t in control, and that I had no say in her health. I was spinning and so was my anxiety. With a suppressed immune system due to her prophylactic antibiotics, she ALWAYS had a cold.
So I started cleaning. And cleaning. And cleaning. It was a way for me to get my anxiety out and a way to keep bad germs away. I couldn’t fix her kidneys, but I can make her environment as germ free as possible for her.
It helped me feel in control. That is, until I found myself refusing to clean with her around because of the chemicals. I didn’t want her playing on the floor after I washed it… because of the chemicals. I was airing out the kitchen, airing out the upstairs, to get the smell of the chemicals out of the house.
If I’m so committed to keeping my house clean for the health of my family, how did that make sense? Germs are bad, but so are toxic chemicals. Right? So I read ingredients on the cleaning supplies I was using. I researched chemicals. What I found was first and foremost terrifying, but it gave me power. It equipped me with the knowledge to make the best decisions for my family.
I know what is in our house now – and it’s not toxic chemicals that disrupt your endocrine system. I don’t have to air out my house after I clean, or worry about Temen walking on the ground after I clean it. I don’t have to worry about Lola licking her paws after walking on the floor and ingesting harsh chemicals.
These are decisions that directly impact the health of our family. I can do my part to protect her endocrine system and MAYBE, just maybe, help prevent her from having the same hormonal and infertility issues I’ve had. That is powerful.
So, I guess what I’m saying is that I’m going to be sharing how I’ve made my household cleaner with you. Because this has quickly become a passion of mine, and I want to share it with everyone! I want to talk about chemicals in Windex, your dish soap, etc, and what I use instead. I want to talk about what I’ve tried, what’s worked, and what hasn’t.
Temen got sick, and then I got smart. I can’t fix her kidneys, but you bet your ass I’m going to do everything I can to keep her healthy and safe.